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Vice presidential candidates, Tim Walz and JD Vance, as portrayed by students, debate the issues at Masterman on the eve of Election Day. Across the nation this fall, the pivotal presidential election is a topic of formal instruction as well as casual conversation inside K-12 schools. Unofficial election results for IPS school board show Thompson, Thomas, and Cosby poised to win. We’re keeping an eye on school choice ballot measures, local school board races, and the top education officials in three states. Experts expect changes to civil rights enforcement and transgender students to lose new protections.

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Her said the ability to maintain and slightly close the gap to proficiency was due, in part, to “data chats” implemented across the district’s many schools. At these events, principals and staff evaluate data and set goals, Education news including the need for intervention, for students to progress. The Kings County Office of Education —  which, like the 57 other county offices, operates special education, migrant youth and juvenile programs — recently opened a center for foster and homeless youth, The (Hanford) Sentinel reported. The U.S. early care and education system has long been broken, as most families can’t afford to pay more yet most providers can’t afford to charge less. Direct admissions programs — in which eligible high school seniors who meet some minimum academic benchmarks receive an unsolicited admissions offer from a college or university — have gained traction in states including Georgia, Idaho and Minnesota. The programs have been promoted as a win for colleges looking to bolster enrollment — and for students intimidated by the complex college application gauntlet.

Department of Health and Human Services aiming to funnel the university system’s students into federal health care careers. The Public Policy Institute of California (PPIC) reported Wednesday that Proposition 2, the $10 billion bond supporting renovation and new construction for TK-12 and community colleges is ahead with 52% of voters backing it to 46% opposed, and 2% undecided. But opponents maintain that school districts should focus on educating students and have said bond measures are often proposed without considering the debts paid by future residents. A series of mid-October threats by adults at the school heightened concern among parents about Penngrove Elementary serving as a voting site. Even before the threats, parents feared for their children’s safety since adults from across the county would be coming and going onto the campus, a Petaluma City Schools spokesperson told the Argus-Courier. A middle school student was arrested after threatening two East Bay schools Monday afternoon, The Mercury News reported.

But at the same time, we also are a normal neighborhood school for Helsinki pupils, and I need to talk with the Department of Basic Education too. Many teachers are very tired, and they have not recovered and the same happens with principals. When COVD started, they could use this same method for remote teaching by using a touchscreen laptop computer. Microsoft was so interested in this method that they made their own video in Finnish about what Päivi was doing. This is a good example because it is a new pedagogical solution that saves evergy and helps students to learn.

While I observed some of the same patterns, more commonly—and surprisingly—I found leaders who prioritized the spirit over the letter of the ESSA or their state regulations. They recognized that the goal of changing practitioners’ relationship to and habits of mind around research and evidence required a long-term plan. One state administrator, for example, envisioned a developmental trajectory for research use. She laid out a plan to help practitioners start by conducting their own research to build curiosity for evidence, and to make research relevant not by translating the work of others but by studying oneself. Building from this experience, practitioners could then gradually develop the skills and dispositions to seek, use, and conduct rigorous research. Organizational research says that in institutions like schools very strong reforms don’t take place without some crisis.

In fact, the department requested a corrective action plan within 10 business days of its Tuesday notice that Mohela failed to perform its contractual obligations. The campus declined to comment on individual students’ cases, however. “They were ready to steamroll them, thinking that they weren’t going to have a community behind them,” Annie Rios, an attorney coordinating their student conduct defense pro bono, told KPBS. The Center for Collaborative Education received a $4 million Department of Labor Apprenticeship Building America Grant, said Mary Lynne Vellinga, deputy secretary for communications for the California Labor and Workforce Development Agency. The nonprofit is based in Boston but operates nationally, including in the Los Angeles area. HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra said before the signing that the department is seeking to attract more students from California, his home state, to work for HHS in Washington, DC.

Fighting back on book bans

I’ve even told one history teacher I hope you don’t use a lot of digital tools, because this teacher is very talented at telling stories. Why should I, as the principal, tell him to use digital tools and stop telling stories? The question isn’t how much do teachers use technology, the question is what do students learn? So not every teacher in every subject needs to use these tools in the same way. Part of my goal in visiting Norway was to see how, and if, the country’s system and approach to child care has been able to meet the growing needs of more diverse children. Not all of Norway’s early childhood researchers are convinced that the country’s informal approach to learning works as its demographics evolve. As Anne Gro Stumberg, one of the kindergarten’s lead teachers, known as a “pedagogical leader” in Norway, showed me around the outdoor play space, I commented on how Norwegians seemed to have a much higher risk tolerance for children’s play.

The revised regulations entitle LGBTQ+ students facing discrimination to a school response and federal government intervention if the school fails them. Title IX applies to K-12 schools and colleges receiving federal money. Also, in our school in Viikki, our first and second graders they hardly know how to read, so they barely know how to open or use the computer for online learning. They taught the parents to use the computers and after one or two weeks, the students also knew how to open their computers and see their classmates. In Chile, for example, there are no strong incentives for researchers to engage deeply with practice, nor are there research training programs that focus on practice-based research—such as EdDs. Furthermore, we lack funding mechanisms to support sustained collaborations between researchers and practitioners.

Dorzon’s love of food was inspired by cooking with his West African father as a child, according to the 39-year-old’s bio on his restaurant’s website. Police are continuing to work on a description for the fifth suspect, the department said. Nassau County District Attorney Anne Donnelly has said that her office, in partnership with the State Police, is investigating “certain inconsistencies” in Mascia’s account of events. Udice said Mascia’s mental health has been a consideration as part of the investigation. Now, the State Police say that Mascia, who was applauded by many troopers and others when he was released from the hospital, is the subject of a criminal and internal investigation.

California State University is testing a program to admit certain Riverside County students before they formally fill out an application. Proposition 2 will be one of two $10 billion bonds on the ballot on Nov. 5. The other, Proposition 4, will pay for a grab bag of funding for safe drinking water, wildfire prevention and climate change protections. Voters may not see the two as competing for their tax dollars, or they may decide to choose one. In the latest PPIC poll, Proposition 4 had more support than Proposition 2, with 60% in favor, 38% against and 2% undecided. In February 2020, a few weeks before the statewide March primary election, the statewide school construction bond Proposition 13 also had a slim lead, according to a similar PPIC poll, with 51% in favor, 42% opposed, and 8% undecided.